Sunday 8 November 2009

Wknd 7-8 Nov

With better weather finally got to tetrad NT47U on Saturday; woods around Hungary House held at least one Nutch with tit flocks, and 2+ Jays heard; scanning towards chicken sheds revealed no hirundines but on way back glimpsed one SW over Muir Park estate and a few minutes later got onto it over woods SW of the Bothy shop, c. NT459789; it was clearly a Barn Swallow.

Vis on Sunday morning at Stobshiel (edge of Lammermuirs) picked up a good flow of Woodies NE, again; also present, imm f Goshawk which looked like it had had several Woodies for breakfast, imm f Peregrine - would have hit me had I been a bit nearer the wall on the plateau, 4 Twite low NE, Jays, Crossbill, Woodcock and stunning views over to Pentlands, snow-covered hills of Upper Forth and Fife across to the Isle of May. Full counts.

Afternoon - another fine day so completed TTV in NT58Q; en route logged 124 Whoopers back near East Fenton, unfortunately in long stubble so no chance to read any rings. 29 juvs is a decent ratio (23%). Also 7 Barnacles nearby with Pinks east of Queenstonbank. Another Woodcock also seen at dusk over road at West Fenton.

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